Cara Mudah Memindah Aplikasi Android dari Internal ke SD card tanpa Routing

Cara Mudah Memindah Aplikasi Android dari Internal ke SD card tanpa Routing

Perilian | Cara Mudah Memindah Aplikasi Android dari Internal ke SD card tanpa Routinghai sobat kali ini kita akan membahas mengenai cara agar aplikasi yang secara defaultnya di memori internal akan kita memindah ke SD card, fungsinya yaitu agar kita dapat menginstall aplikasi banyak tanpa harus memakan banyak memori pada perangkat android kita.

Namun OS Android secara default tidak mengijinkan proses ini karena dapat membahayakan file sistem jika kita melakukan rooting. Nah untuk itu kali ini saya akan mencoba memindah tempat penginstallan aplikasi untuk kita taruh di SD Card dengan cara yang paling aman dan mudah + cepat karena kita tidak akan melakuakan rooting pada android kita, Nah buat sobat yang ingin mencoba memindah tempat penginstallan aplikasi hp android pada memori eksternal berikut caranya :

Cara 1 :

1. Langkah pertama aktifkan USB Debugging 
Masuk pada System Setting ---> Developers Options ---> USB Debugging

2. Langkah berikutnya kita gunakan Software Google Android SDK

3. Langkah ketiga jalankan perintah ADB untuk mengubah settingan penyimpanan default hp android kita
Caranya berikut ini :

a. Buka folder sdk android yang telah kita install pada langkah pertama tadi

b. Masuk pada folder sdk/

  c. Tekan tombol shift(tahan) + klik kanan pada folder platform-tools

d. Pilih Open Command Window Here

e. pada command prompt, ketikan perintah berikut ini :

 Untuk ICS Keatas :

adb devices
adb shell pm set-install-location 2
adb shell pm get-install-location

Untuk ICS Kebawah:

adb devices
adb shell pm setInstallLocation 2
adb shell pm getInstallLocation 

f. jika perintah yang dimasukan benar maka output yang keluar pada command prompt ketikan 
perintah adb shell pm getInstallLocation adalah 2[external]

Nah itulah cara yang harus sobat lakukan agar tempat penginstallan aplikasi bisa ditempatkan di SD Card, sekarang aplikasi yang sobat install akan secara otomatis menggunakan memori eksternal, 

Cara 2. 

  Sobat bisa menggunakan aplikasi APP MGR yang bisa sobat download di Play Store, dengan aplikasi tersebut sobat bisa langsung dengan mudah mengganti tempat penginstallan aplikasi pada SD Card.

Selamat mencoba ^_^.

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Tag : cara memindahkan aplikasi ke kartu sd tanpa root,cara memindahkan aplikasi ke sd card xiaomi,aplikasi pemindah aplikasi ke sd card terbaik,cara memindahkan aplikasi ke kartu sd samsung j5,aplikasi pemindah aplikasi ke sd card tanpa root,cara memindahkan aplikasi ke kartu sd samsung j2,cara memindahkan aplikasi ke kartu memori samsung j2 prime,cara memindahkan aplikasi ke sd card dengan root
Cara Jitu Agar Akun Facebook Aman dari Hack Update 2018

Cara Jitu Agar Akun Facebook Aman dari Hack Update 2018

Perilian | Cara Mengamankan Akun Facebook 2018 -  Halo sobat ? Pada kesempatan kali ini saya akan berbagi  sedikit info untuk mengamankan akun facebook yang sobat miliki,karena facebook adalah media sosial yang sering kita gunakan untuk dapat menghubungkan kita dengan teman,keluarga, saudara -saudara kita dengan mudah,tidak jarang ada yang usil ingin mengobrak- abrik akun facebook kita,Jadi kesimpulannya kita lebih baik menjaga akun kita sebelum terjadi hal yang tidak kita inginkan pada akun Facebook kita,betul tidak?,Silahkan disimak

Cara Jitu Agar Akun Facebook Aman dari Hack Update 2017

Cara Mengamankan Akun Facebook 2018

1) Pertama masuk ke akun Facebook sobat

2) Lalu klik pada gambar roda gigi pada pojok kanan atas (Setelan Pengaturan)

3) Pilih Keamanan,kemudian klik pada " Persetujuan masuk Facebook "

4) Lalu beri centang,setelah itu Facebook akan meminta sobat untuk memasukkan nomor Hp sobat,lalu masukkan no Hp yang sobat miliki.

5) Setelah melewati beberapa proses,Facebook akan mengirim kode konfirmasi melalui SMS ke no Hp sobat.

6) Selanjutnya setelah mendapatkan kode tersebut ,masukkan pada kotak yang telah di sediakan oleh Facebook.

Baca Juga :
Cara Mengubah Foto Profil Facebook dengan Foto Kosong Unik
Cara Cepat Menonaktifkan Akun Facebook Untuk Sementara Atau Selamanya

Mudah bukan? Demikian sobat beberapa Cara Mengamankan Akun Facebook 2018 ,silahkan dicoba,Semoga bermanfaat

Posted By : Flady Nasrulloh

Tag : cara mengamankan akun facebook dari serangan hacker,cara amankan akun fb,cara amankan akun fb lewat hp,cara mengamankan akun facebook dari pemblokiran,cara melindungi akun gmail dari hacker,cara agar fb tidak bisa diblokir teman,cara agar akun instagram tidak bisa di hack,cara mengunci fb sendiri
Cara Mengubah Foto Profil Facebook dengan Foto Kosong Unik

Cara Mengubah Foto Profil Facebook dengan Foto Kosong Unik

Perilian | Cara Mengubah Foto Profil Facebook dengan Foto Kosong Unik - hai sobat kali ini saya akan berbagi sedikit ilmu yang mungkin bisa bermanfaat. yaitu mengubah foto profil facebook dengan gambar kosong yang keren, dengan gambar ini sobat tidak akan bisa dikenali oleh orang lain, atau pun juga bisa bermanfaat ketika sobat malas memasang foto sobat sebagai PP facebook. Foto profil kosong ini sebenarnya tidak begitu penting, namun jika hanya sekedar iseng untuk mengubah PP kita dengan sebuah karakter keren, justru itu yang menarik.

berikut beberapa contoh gambar PP kosong yang menarik :

Nah buat sobat yang ingin mengubah PP facebook dengan foto karakter keren, berikut silahkan download file gambar Foto Profil kosong yang berjumlah 133, jadi sobat bisa memilih 
sendiri foto karakter kosong yang sobat suka.

Nah itu sedikit tips mengenai Cara Mengubah Foto Profil Facebook dengan Foto Kosong Unik,  semoga bermanfaat ^_^

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Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah

Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah

Perilian | Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah - Apa kabar sobat blogger,kali ini  saya akan berbagi sedikit info cara melihat uang adsense dalam rupiah,karena kita sebagai warga indonesia yang bermata uang rupiah,kadang juga ingin mengerti berapa jumlah kurs dollar saat ini kalau di tukar dengan nilai rupiah, dan cara ini sangat mudah dilakukan ,karena sobat tidak perlu berhitung, Langsung saja disimak

Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah

Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah

1) Pertama masuk ke akun Adense anda

2) Setelah masuk, klik pada tab " Laporan Kinerja "

3) Lalu pada bawah kolom rentang waktu,klik pada tab " Kolom "

4) Pada tab tersebut pada bagian Mata Uang,pilih IDR - Rupiah

Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah

5) Kemudian pilih "Terapkan"

Sekarang anda bisa melihat berapa jumlah penghasilan adsense anda dalam nilai rupiah ^_^

Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah

Demikian sobat beberapa Cara Menampilkan Penghasilan Adsense dalam Nilai Rupiah ,Semoga bermanfaat

Posted By : Flady Nasrulloh

Tag : cara merubah idr ke dollar di adsense, cara mengganti mata uang di google play

Cara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter dengan Mudah

Cara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter dengan Mudah

PerilianCara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter - Sobat tahu bukan 2 media sosial ini?Keduanya  adalah penyedia media sosial yang terbesar khususnya di Indonesia,dan hal yang paling luar biasa ternyata kita bisa menggabungnya atau menghubungkannya,sebagai contoh kita update status di Facebook tapi juga otomatis ter update di Twitter,dan masih banyal lagi,Seru bukan? Langsung saja disimak

Cara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter

Cara Menghubungkan Facebook dengan Twitter

- Pertama masuk ke akun Facebook sobat

- Setelah Login buka Link aplikasi nya

Cara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter

- Lalu kita akan di bawa ke halaman baru,klik pada " Tautkan Profil Saya ke Twitter "

Cara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter

Selanjutnya kita harus mengisikan ID dari Twitter kita,termasuk username dan password kita,
setelah selesai klik pada " Authorize app "

Setelah selesai,maka sobat akan di mintai poin apa saja yang akan di hubungkan ke twitter
Klik " Save Change ",dan selesai ^_^
  Sekian sobat beberapa langkah Cara Menggabungkan Facebook dengan Twitter ,Semoga bermanfaat

Posted By : Flady Nasrulloh

Tag : cara menghubungkan facebook ke twitter,cara menghubungkan twitter ke fb lewat hp,cara menghubungkan twitter ke facebook melalui hp android,twitter on facebook status,cara sinkronisasi twitter ke facebook,cara menghubungkan twitter ke facebook 2016,cara menghubungkan twitter versi baru ke facebook,aplikasi twitter on facebook
 Types of Non-Fat Making Snacks

Types of Non-Fat Making Snacks

Do you have a hobby of snacking? Snacking is a very enjoyable thing especially snacking with some sweet foods, or spicy, and so forth.
Plus watching movies accompanied by some snacks of course will be more enjoyable. But did you know the cause of snacking? Of course will make obesity.
Snacks are often regarded as the number one enemy in the diet program because it can make your weight is not reduced even more it continues to grow. Snacks are generally served in small portions but often just snacks consumed in large quantities can even exceed the main meal portion, causing the diet program is not successful.
But there are various snacks that are both consumed and will not make obesity.
So you do not have to worry and worry if you will eat it, want to know what are good snacks to eat and will not cause obesity? Check out the explanation below.
Here are some examples of various snacks that are very healthy for your body and you can make for a diet program.
Among them are as follows:
1. Types of nuts.
There are various types of nuts that you can consume and make your snacks because in the nuts contained a little fat, so you will not worry because it will not experience weight gain. However, if the nuts are consumed in excess it will cause other problems such as acne.
2. Types of grains.
One type of grain you can consume the corn kernels that are usually used as food pop corn. But so as not to contain lots of fat and other mixtures, then you should not mix pop corn with salt or extra sugar.
3. Agar.
Agar is an example of a snack that does not contain any fat, but inside the gelatin contained sweeteners so do not be consumed in large quantities as well so as not to cause diseases such as diabetes.
4. Pudding.
Food pudding is not much different from gelatin, although not containing fat, but in the pudding contains a lot of sugar. So, do not consume in large quantities so as not to store sugar in the body.
Above are some examples of foods that you can make as a healthy snack. You can buy some examples of the above snacks by buying them in supermarkets, or other stores.
Even now you are facilitated by the purchase online through Lemonilo. Lemonilo is an online food store that sells a variety of snacks that certainly healthy.
There are many foods that are sold in Lemonilo such as gelatin, pudding, snack, oatmeal, yogurt, and so forth.
Hopefully this article useful for loyal readers site, do not forget to share to friends in need

Benefits of Green Tea for Health

Benefits of Green Tea for Health

To get excellent health every person should do a healthy lifestyle and eat. Good food and drinks will support the nutrients needed by the body. In addition, some foods will also provide protection for the body (immune system). One of the famous drink is green tea. Let us discuss some of the benefits of green tea here.
1. Contains Antioxidants
Well, when we eat or drink, our bodies must turn food into energy. As a result, this produces some by-products in our body called free radicals. Free radicals can damage our cells and may be drivers in aging.
But do not be afraid, we can counter the negative effects of free radicals by consuming antioxidants, and one of the best ways to do this is by drinking green tea.
In a clinical trial published by the American Society for Nutritional Sciences, scientists found that many studies have shown that tea consumption can have a positive health impact. The hypothesis behind this benefit comes from high levels of flavonoids, antioxidants that fight free radicals.
2. Fighting cancer
Green tea has been shown to activate an internal cancer-preventing enzyme that can inhibit tumor growth. Many teas are packed with antioxidants, but the direct mechanisms of cancer prevention have not been fully formed. The good news is there is a link between cancer prevention and tea consumption.
An ongoing study of women with breast cancer suggests that polyphenols in green tea can slow down proteins that are part of tumor cell growth.
3. Capability improvement
In particular, green tea drinkers show increased connectivity in the important parts of the brain associated with
A study with healthy male volunteers found that when given a soft drink containing green tea extract, those who consumed green tea extract not only showed increased connectivity in the brain, but also improved performance on working memory tasks.
4. Calming the mind
Green tea contains l-theanine compounds. l-theanine can help you to relax and avoid anxiety.
A study published in the Journal of Trends in Food Science & Technology states that theanine acts as a neurotransmitter that increases alpha waves in the brain. Alpha waves are considered as indicators of relaxation. Human volunteers are given 50-200 mg l-theanine and are shown to increase alpha waves without sleepiness.
5. Heart Health
According to Harvard Heart Letter, Japanese adults who drink more than five cups a day are 26% less likely to have heart attacks or strokes. While research around the mechanism of action is limited, there is no red flag, so there is nothing wrong.
In another study, Athens Medical School brought 14 volunteers and asked them to drink green tea or caffeinated hot water. Using blood pressure and ultrasound cuffs to check whether arteries are widening or not, doctors found that those who drank green tea had significantly wider arteries, which meant lower risk of heart disease such as atherosclerosis.
Tips to Make Cucumber Mask For Face Care

Tips to Make Cucumber Mask For Face Care

Lots of benefits cucumber mask for the face or disorder that usually appears on the face like acne and even for the breasts can, some additional natural ingredients that can be used to maximize the cucumber performance as a natural face care ingredients are tomatoes atupun honey, but many people also which makes it without any mixture, besides potent, cucumber is also very safe and does not cause harmful side effects and can be used every day.
This is supported by the content of cucumber which is mostly about 95% water, this is obviously very useful for the treatment especially to overcome dry skin, in addition to beauty, cucumber is also quite good in terms of health as it can control high blood pressure, facilitate digestion, kidney health and many more benefits of this cucumber because of the many vitamins contained in it. actually not just to make the face white and clean, this cucumber mask can also tighten facial skin.
Before making these various natural masks, it helps you know first some benefits that exist, because each manufacture of this cucumber mask is different, ranging from special to dry skin, to rejuvenate the skin is different manufacturing procedures.
  • Reduce dark spots on the face
  • Able to remove dark circles on the eyes
  • rejuvenate the skin

Eliminate Black Spots

One disturbance on the face in addition to blackheads is the emergence of black spots that would make us disturbed by the appearance of our own face, this black spot itself occurs due to some reasons such as from the sun's heat rays to the effects of acne scars, and one of the powerful natural ingredients for overcome the problem of this black spots is a cucumber which is one of the natural face mask that has been trusted by many people.
Follow the simple steps below:
  1. prepare enough cucumber fruit, clean with water, for the fruit to keep the young and fresh
  2. Next is the cucumber scar until it is completely smooth
  3. Just apply the grater to the face area thoroughly
  4. Wait and let stand for 10 to 20 minutes until it sinks and dries
  5. After that clean back face with clean water
To make the most of the results, try to diligently perform this preservation at least 2 times a week

Eliminate Panda Eyes

For those of you who often stay up or go to bed tonight have certainly experienced this, where the area around the eyes suddenly appeared black circle or commonly called panda eye, with cucumber, you can overcome the problem because of the content of silica and antioxidants that can rejuvenate dadn brighten skin, follow step by step below.
  1. Prepare and wash fresh cucumbers sufficiently
  2. Slice the cucumber with a circle shape into several pieces
  3. Please directly attach the piece to the eyes and the surrounding area with panda eyes
  4. Wait and let stand a few minutes, eg 10 minutes

Rejuvenate the Skin

If you want to keep looking young with a shiny face, you must read this point because I will share how the use of cucumber to rejuvenate the skin that is by processing it into a natural mask.
  1. Prepare 1 cucumber and clean, then scar until smooth
  2. Mix some other natural ingredients such as lime, honey, milk, egg whites together into one with grater earlier
  3. Stir until evenly then apply all the above ingredients to the skin you want to rejuvenate
  4. Rinse skin back with clean water when it is enough

Eliminating Acne

The most annoying facial problem is acne, where almost everyone must experience this acne disorder, there are various ways ranging from using a certain product to the way lami ie ​​with mamakai cucumber, as follows how to make a cucumber mask to get rid of acne.
  1. Provide two fresh cucumbers that have been washed clean
  2. Grate until smooth
  3. Apply to all areas of existing skin acne
  4. Let stand for 20 minutes and rinse again with clean water

Minimize Pores

One cause of the emergence of acne is due to the pore pore is too large, this must be addressed as this is the culprit of the emergence of disorders such as acne that can lead to future and black spots.
to shrink pores of facial skin pores using cucumber, anca simply applying grated cucumber to the face thoroughly.