Natural Ways to Eliminate Panda Eyes
Appearance is the first concern that is always noticed by most people when they want to go kaluar home. Starting from using makeup to cover various kinds of facial problems to treat both naturally and using various beauty products.
Facial problems such as acne, black spots, wrinkles, eye bags and so forth are very disturbing to your appearance. Especially the eye bags that are on your face would make your appearance more interesting.
In fact, there are many reasons why your eyes may appear on your face like lack of sleep at night or you stay up too often, too often in front of a computer, lacking the water for the body and eating lots of salty salty foods that you consume.

Unseen, to remove eye bags on their faces, many of them use an instant way that is by using beauty products that claim to be able to overcome the powerful eye bags optimally. Instead of getting results that fit the expectations, but not a few of them even complained about various kinds of health conditions, especially health on their own skin.
How to remove eye bags using beauty products should be done with caution. Where you should be smart to choose a safe product and have received permission from the BPOM or the Agency for Drug and Food Control and safe for your own skin.
Therefore, actually using a natural way is much safer than having to use a variety of beauty products that are not clear and will only cause various health problems.
The following will present some ways of removing eye bags naturally which you can do without having to cause harmful side effects for your body.
- Dismantle treatment by using cucumber slices
Perhaps most of you already know that many cucumber slices are very useful to remove the eye bags that are on your face.
To get maximum results from this one way is, first wash the cucumber fruit until clean with a special soap washing fruit. Cucumber slices with ¼ inch thickness.
After that, close your eyes paste the cucumber and leave for 15 to 20 minutes for the nutrients that are in the cucumber really seep into your skin.
- Compress using cold water
In addition to cucumber, cold water use also proven effective to remove the eye bags that are on your face. Then how to do? First, use a clean towel. Wet by using cold water or ice.
Press lightly on the bottom of the eyelid for 5 to 10 minutes.
The cold water you use to compress the eye bags will help affect the blood vessels and surrounding tissues to shrink and become toned so as to reduce and even eliminate eye bags.
- Adequate sleep time at night
One of the reasons why the bladder is on your face is the lack of adequate sleep at night. This is because often you stay up or insomnia you suffer. Therefore, to avoid and reduce the pockets of your face face then sleep 7-8 hours at night. How to remove eye bags this one is also the most effective way to prevent the presence of eye bags on your face.
- Drink lots of water puith
One reason people have eye bags is because of the lack of water intake in their bodies so that the peacock body is dehydrated. All you need to know is that dehydration can cause eye bags that can make your appearance worse. Consuming 8 glasses of water or 2 liters per day is a powerful way to remove eye bags on your face.
- Sleeping by the head slightly lifted
How to remove eye bags apparently can be done by justifying your sleeping position. Sleeping position apparently is very influential to remove the eye bags that are on your face.
While you are sleeping, use a rather high pillow, this uses the principle of earth gravity which can prevent fluid accumulating around your eyes while falling asleep at night. By using this one way can also help you to prevent eye bags coming back.
With the above five natural ways, removing eye bags becomes much safer. To get maximum results and faster, you can combine the five ways to remove eye bags so that the pockets of the eyes on your face can quickly disappear.
What you need to know, that by using a way to remove the eye bags naturally does take time is not exactly instant. This means you should be able to apply it in your daily life patiently and painstakingly.
This one way is much better diabndingkan You must use various mcam beauty products that contain chemicals and it will endanger the health and beauty of your skin in the future.
Once you know how to remove eye bags naturally, you also need to know what things can cause eye bags that can interfere with your appearance. Here are the things that you should hindrai to prevent the arrival of eye bags.
- Sleep duration is less at night is one of the causes of the emergence of eye kantug, therefore sleeplah 7 to 8 hours per night so you can avoid the eye bags.
- Effect of drugs is the main cause of eye puffiness on your face. Excessive consumption of drugs will make the blood vessels become widened.
- Various kinds of toxic content in cigarettes and also alcohol causes collagen under the eyes to weaken. This is what causes the appearance of eye bags on your face. Therefore, avoid cigarettes and alcohol and apply a healthier lifestyle.
- Excessive use of makeup can also cause eye bags on your face.
- Continuous exposure to sunlight can also cause eye bags on your face.
- Too much crying can also cause fluids trapped in the lower part of the eye and cause eye bags on your face.
Some of the causes of the occurrence of eye bags should be avoided. Hopefully how to remove eye bags can benefit you.
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