Listen How to Brighten Black Lips

Having red lips is a dream of every woman. According to a study, women who have red or pink lips have a better self-confidence than women who have black lips. Red lip color makes women look more fresh and more interesting to look at. That is the reason why many women use lipstick every day to make their lips look red and bright.
But do you know the dangers that can be caused if too often use lipstick?
  1. Continuous use of lipstick will cause the lips to dry faster and cracked
  2. Not all brands of lipstick safe to use, some of which contain harmful ingredients such as mercury that endanger health because it can trigger the emergence of skin cancer
  3. Lipstick only helps redden the lips temporarily, some types of lipsticks actually make the lips look black after long use.
Do not like lipstick because it is too heavy and thick on the lips? Many women then switch to lip gloss, liptint or liptatto which gives effect like lipstick to brighten black lips but not heavy on the lips.
Lips are a unique part of the body and different from other skin types. Lips are not supplied with oil glands like other skins to keep moisture. Lips also have a thinner arrangement than other skins, thus allowing very clear discoloration. The color change caused by the visible blood vessels is what makes the lips red and look beautiful.
The Cause of Blackened Lips
  1. Smoking habit
  2. Drinking alcoholic beverages
  3. Allergy
  4. Less intake of vitamins
  5. Tea and coffee consumption
  6. Genetics / Biological / congenital from birth
If not properly observed, it is easy for the lips to experience problems such as chapped lips, dry, lips look dull and black. Therefore, we suggest to apply the way lips naturally by using natural ingredients that are safe and have been proven to cause no side effects.
Because it does not cause side effects, reddening the lips with natural ingredients will help maintain the health of your lips. Here's how to easily lend your lips with natural ingredients and the steps:
1. Mixed Honey and Sugar Java
Peel to remove dead skin cells or commonly called scrubbing is the easiest way to redden your lips. Scrubbing will help remove blackened lips skin cells, with dead skin peel will make the lips look bright again. And the material we will use is a mixture of honey and sugar Java that is safe for your lips.
  1. Combine 1 tablespoon brown sugar, brown sugar or palm sugar that has been shredded smooth with 1 tablespoon of honey
  2.  Rub the mixture to the lips evenly, do the same direction and apply after bathing
  3. Let stand for 5 minutes then rinse with warm water
  4. Repeat this step 3x a week until your lips look brighter
Lemon and lime fruit has been trusted and proven effective to brighten the face. But did you know that these two families of oranges can redden the black lips. Vitamin C in this fruit is higher than other fruit types will help make your lips look brighter, regenerate skin cells and eliminate the dull that makes the black lips.
2. Lime / lemon
  1. Prepare 2 to 3 tablespoons lemon juice
  2. Add 1 spoon of honey or java sugar into it
  3. Then rub on the lips for 20 seconds in the same direction
  4. Leave for 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly with warm water
3. Olive Oil and Coconut Oil
If the use of honey and java sugar for scrubbing, then the next step is useful to keep the moisture of the lips so as not easy to dry that is using coconut oil and olive oil. Both contain vitamin e which is good for skin health.
  1. Mix each half a teaspoon of coconut oil and olive oil
  2. Apply evenly on the lips with a soft massage
  3. Leave on for 15 minutes then rinse using warm water
  4. Do not rinse with a towel, let the oily sensations still feel on your lips.
4. Toothpaste
It turns out toothpaste or often called toothpaste is useful addition to whiten teeth are also useful for reddening the lips. Toothpaste contains substances such as potassium, magnesium, selenium and other minerals that are beneficial to accelerate the regeneration of skin cells.
  1. After bathing, apply a non gel gel paste evenly on the surface of the lips
  2. Let stand for 15 minutes then rinse with clean water
5. Red Rose Flower
Roses are often symbolized to express a love sign. But did you know that ancient roses are often used for bathing. Apparently after decades, found the fact that rose water contains natural antioxidants that can help calm the mind, blood circulation and accelerate the process of cell regeneration.
  1. Soak 5 pieces of roses can use 50 ml of milk or honey water
  2. Soak for at least 1 hour
  3. Then just blend all the ingredients until smooth and apply on the lips evenly
  4. Leave for 15 minutes then wash with warm water, do 2x a day, especially at night before bed
6. Butter
Butter is usually only used in kitchen affairs. But according to research in England, butter regularly on the lips before bed can redden lips faster. How to apply it is very easy, and can be done anytime and anywhere. Simply apply butter to the lips evenly with a saturated massage, wait 15 minutes then rinse with warm water. Do it for a month and see the results.
7. Turmeric and Honey
Previously we have written the benefits of using turmeric and honey to brighten the skin. Curcuminoid content in turmeric can help increase collagen in the surface of the lips. Benefits of honey for the lips aims to remove dead skin cells and keep the surface moisture of the lips.
  1. Let stand for 15 minutes then wipe with warm water
  2. Apply the dough on the surface of the lips evenly accompanied by a gentle massage
  3. Combine turmeric powder one teaspoon with honey to taste, not too much honey to form cream
8. Pomegranates
Pomegranate is a very effective natural ingredient to remove dull on the lips. In addition, pomegranates will also nourish the lips and moisturize them.
  1. Wash 1 pomegranate, then crush it
  2. Crush the fruit until smooth then mix with 1 tablespoon of rose water or milk
  3. Apply this mixture on the surface of the lips while rubbing for 5 minutes
  4. Rinse it using warm water afterwards and do it every day before bed
9. Avocado
Avocado is one fruit that has kanudngan antioxidants and vitamin E is good for skin health. This fruit also can we use to enlighten the lips naturally and safely.
  1. Prepare half the flesh of fresh avocado
  2. Mash until smooth and add with half a teaspoon of olive oil
  3. Apply evenly on the surface of the lips and leave for 15 minutes
  4. Then rinse with warm water
10. Strawberry / Cerry / Tomato
We certainly know that the tomatoes, cherries, and strawberries have a reddish color. Therefore, these three pieces are very appropriate to use if you want to get bright lips naturally. The content of vitamin C in this fruit also can not be trivial. Vitamin C can help regenerate cells on the surface of the lips so it looks brighter. Simply puree and apply evenly, wait 15 minutes then rinse thoroughly.
11. Bit Fruits
Maybe some of you are still strange to hear the name of the bit. This fruit content is very good for people who suffer from digestive diseases such as ulcers or typhus. The color of this fruit flesh is like a red dragon fruit.
  1. Prepare 1 piece of beet that has been washed clean
  2. Puree and then apply on the lips until evenly distributed
  3. Let stand for 15 minutes, then rinse with warm water
  4. Repeat every day especially before bed
12. Expand Drinking Water
Many people underestimate the white water. Our body is actually 70% fluid. And you try to watch more carefully people who lack fluid or less consumption of water will usually experience chapped lips. Therefore it is very important to reproduce drinking water at least 1.5 liters per day. With the fulfillment of our water needs, it will also keep the moisture of our lips and skin and keep away from canker sores.
In addition, adequate water consumption will also eliminate bad breath, launched the digestive system and nourish our body's metabolic system.
13. Milk
Did you know that milk contains lactic acid which is very useful to brighten the skin, including brightening the lips. You can apply pure milk on the surface of the lips to brighten, melemababkan and remove dead skin cells on the lips.
14. Cucumber
Cucumber becomes the cheapest alternative to brighten the skin of the lips, make bright pink natural lips, and moisturize the lips.
  1. Prepare one cucumber
  2. Cut and rub on the lips gently for 15 minutes
  3. Do it every day especially during the day because usually our lips in dry conditions.
15. Aloe Vera / Aloe Vera
Just like the use of cucumber, aloe vera can also be used to brighten the black lips and moisturize the lips that will make our lips healthy and not dry. Aloe vera gel works by removing dead skin cells attached to the surface of the lips cause the lips look dull.
  1. Prepare one stalk of medium-sized aloe vera
  2. Cut into two parts, then remove the gel contained in the flesh
  3. Apply aloe gel on the surface of the lips evenly
  4. Clean after 15 minutes using warm water

Tips Keeping Lip Health To Keep It Enchanting Brighten

  • Avoid Cigarettes, Coffee, Soda and Alcohol
It's no secret if coffee, soda, cigarettes and alcohol will make our lips dry. Substances such as nicotine, and other compounds will leave marks on the surface of your lips and cause dead skin cells that impact lips look dull and blackened.
  • Avoid Lip Licking
Maybe some of you often do this, but from now on avoid licking your lips. At first glance will make the lips look wet, but after dry saliva will actually make the lips feel easier to dry.
  • Do not Use Lipstick Too Often
As already expressed in the beginning of this article. That the use of lipstick that too often will actually make the lips become dry faster and easily cracked. Moreover, if the lipstick contains harmful ingredients that can interfere with the health of the body.
  • Increase Fruit Consumption
Vegetables and fruits contain an important role to maintain our body health. Fruits that contain vitamin e and c are the most needed by the skin to keep the moisture so as not to dry and dull.
Similarly, some ways to lend your lips and tips on how to maintain healthy lips. Hopefully with the tips we share, it can help you to have beautiful, bright lips in a healthy and natural way.

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